Monday, June 28, 2010

Natural Prevention For Urinary Cystitis in Cats

It is becoming more and more common to find urinary cystitis in cats. The biggest problem is dry cat food. Dry cat foods are composed of high amounts of fillers like corn and gluten. Eating the dry food and not getting enough moisture in the diet keeps the urine too concentrated, so it is difficult for the urinary system to eliminate bacteria or flush out crystal formations before they become too large. If cats are feed only dry food they need extra moisture and plenty of water to compensate for dehydration. The best thing to do is give your cat moist food or at least replace moisture in the dry food by adding broth or water. Cats not fed this way from the time they are kittens will probably not eat it, so you either have to slowly replace some moisture in the dry food or gradually switch to canned foods.

The symptoms of cystitis in cats can range from blood in the urine, difficulty urinating, or not able to urinate at all, urinating outside of the litter box, crying out in pain when trying to urinate and sometimes licking their urethral opening excessively because of the pain. Urinary cystitis in cats sometimes needs to be treated with antibiotics if they have an infection. An infection can develop quite easily, especially if their immune system is already compromised from another disease, such as diabetes.

Cats also have and feel emotional stress which can contribute to urinary cystitis in cats. Stress, just like with us humans can cause illness; mainly because stress lowers our immune system response. Cats are very sensitive to change and especially change in routine. So, if there is a new person in the household, multiple cats that do not get along, or not having a quiet place to hide, will create stress for the cat.

In order to prevent cystitis in cats, the urine needs to be on the acidic side so bacteria and crystals which form in the urinary tract, can be dissolved and flushed out with the urine. Vitamin C and cranberry capsules mixed in with the food can help with the pH levels. Be sure and use Ester C which is a mild form of vitamin C, and does not cause diarrhea. Start out with small doses, maybe 1 capsule of Vitamin C and one capsule of cranberry and see how your cat reacts to it. A product with uva ursi helps with keeping pH levels at optimum levels in preventing urinary cystitis in cats Berberis vulgaris or barberry promotes urinary tract health.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Preventive Measures in Basement Waterproofing

Your beautiful basement can be prone to excessive moisture. This is understandable due to the fact that the earth surrounding it is mostly damp and dirty. Excessive moisture can cause your basement walls to crack and damage it. Before you renovate your basement, make sure that you have considered basement waterproofing. However, this is aspect in basement renovation may involve technical background.

Basement waterproofing greatly involves the exterior portions of your house. If your surroundings outside of your house are always damp and dirty, and this had been unattended, you might have some trouble in your basement sooner or later. The basic idea is to keep moisture from coming in. This means to always keep your basement walls and floor dry. There are some preventive measures in doing that.

1. Enough Drainage - Have an adequate drainage. Waste flowing out from your sink, usually used water or fluids must be channeled properly. Not only that, if your drainage is sloped enough to get all the waste out to the sewerage system, spills occur. Not only can this cause an undesirable smell, in time it will moist your soil and seeps into the basement walls. Without proper basement waterproofing, you might end up unnecessarily spending to remodel your basement.

2. Downspouts and Gutters - Check the gutters and downspouts. These are drainage systems too. Make sure these are not causing any spills on the soil. Gutters get stuck up by debris. Do a regular check up to ensure that your gutters exterior subsoil is clean and dry. You have no control over the amount of moisture in the soil. Waterproofing your basement is not a guarantee though. So clean surroundings all the time to prevent basement damage.

3. The Climate - Climate and erratic weather conditions are sources of moisture. Another source of moisture that you have no control of. Basement waterproofing can only do so much. If there's so much rain, it is important to anticipate this in designing the size of your gutters and water canals. When the snow melts, this can pose a huge problem as well. The interiors and exteriors have a relationship. If natural calamities occur, it's your basement that gets the first hit since it's directly attached to the latter. All parts in your house are integral to its own functional advantage.

4. Unknown Water Deposits - There may be other water deposits that are close to your house. Inspect that too. While you find the soil dry, moisture can still seep in below. Check the sidewalks. See if there are slopes leading to your house or close to. Adjust it if you find one. You may want to consult a friend who has an experience in basement waterproofing. Otherwise, hire a professional.

Before you get your basement walls and floors finished, know the facts on these things. Poor basement waterproofing causes you to spend more on repairs and even remodeling your entire basement. That wouldn't be good. If you are planning to remodel your basement soon, or perhaps building a new house, waterproofing budget is a must. Prevention is important. You wouldn't want your investment on a very beautiful basement go down the drain.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Reoccurring Yeast Infection - How To Overcome It

OK, So what is actually meant by reoccuring yeast infection? Well I suppose we could simply explain it as the occurrence of yeast infection after treatment has already been given and it must also be noted that the signs and symptoms of reoccurring yeast infections are always identical. This is due to the fact that the very same organism called candida albican is present in small amounts in the digestive tracts and additionally in the vagina. The function of this is to rid the fungi which are the culprit for the yeast infection.

Fungus will grow and multiply is one particular part of the body, especially the vagina, for instance: antibiotic exposure, sexual intercourse and menstrual periods etc. The symptoms of the reoccurring yeast infections are similar like vaginal itching, intense rash, vaginal irritation, painful micturations reflex, vaginal discharge and signs of inflammation are present and the sufferer may also feel burning sensations if the urine touches that particular area.

Microscopy reveals the organism when the vaginal discharge is observed under it and there would be white plaque formation.

The treatment of reoccurring yeast infection is remedied by the following:

Wearing skirts to avoid moisture of tight dresses.

Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide when itching starts.

Using yogurts.

Using tea tree oil.

By using garlic.

Trimming should be maintained.

Sugar levels should be controlled for the prevention of diabetes.

There should be washing out; after sex, vaginal intercourse, after anal
intercourse the penis should be washed properly.

Regular exercise should be performed and it may also prove very beneficial to actually go and join a local fitness club and enrol in a fitness program.

Avoid oral sex because it increases the risk of getting yeast infection.

Cotton undergarments should be used and silky underwears are avoided for
reducing the chances of moisture. Try to pay particular attention to this and bare it in mind whilst out shopping next.

Oral contraceptive should be contraindicated.

Yogurt is also used in the treatment of reoccurring yeast infection and this is for reasons that yogurt contains the living culture of many important bacteria which retards the growth of the harmful fungi. Hence the number of lactobacillus. Yogurt can be used internally as well as externally. In both ways it is effective in preventing yeast infection and in any case is great for your diet and well being

Boric acid is also used because it is effective in the treatment of yeast infection and has been proved that it is preferred over the other methods because its cure rate is more than that of any other method. Another important thing is that the impaired immune system plays a vital role in the reoccurrence of yeast infection. The immune system is very important as it gives immunity against the various diseases and various infections. So the organisms which are involved in the pathogenesis of various infections including yeast infection, their primary role is to impair the immune system.

After the impairment of immune system, the body becomes receptive to the destructive changes brought about by the virulent organism which are fungi in case of yeast infection.

Reoccuring yeast infection has always been somewhat of a problem area but I must stress that it is not just women who are affected by this condition. Many men also suffer from yeast infection and as women can also be prone to any reoccurrence of the condition. A visit to your GP or family health practitioner is always advisable but there are also some great resources available online where you can get some very beneficial information and methods on how to eradicate the condition once and for all. I hope and trust this article has been both informative and helpful to you.

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

How To Install Furring Strips to Concrete Walls

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If you are planning to finish a basement you will most likely need to install furring strips to the concrete walls so that the walls can be sheetrocked.

Attaching furring strips to concrete walls can be easily done using 2"x2"s or 2"x3" kiln dried wood studs, liquid nail glue, and some fluted concrete nails.

Due to moisture in the basement, I prefer to use a 2"x4" pressure treated stud laid flat along the bottom of the wall. Lay the stud on its flat side up against the wall. The furring strips will sit on top of the pressure treated stud, such that there is effectively a moisture barrier between the basement floor and the kiln dried studs.

The kiln dried studs should be placed on 16 inch centers along the wall, again resting on the pressure treated 2"x4". The kiln dried studs should run the entire height of the concrete wall.

To secure the bottom plate and studs to the wall, I first run a bead of Liquid Nails (designed to adhere to concrete and wood), along the entire length of the bottom plate/stud. If you are using 2"x3"s for the furring strips, the glue should be applied to the wider side, such that when the stud is installed, you effectively have the flat side of the stud attached to the wall.

Start with the application of glue on the pressure treated bottom plate.

Next, using a drill and a masonry bit, drill pilot holes into the bottom plate. The holes should be placed every 16 inches along the length of the plate and should penetrate the concrete walls approximately 1.5". Then using 3" fluted nails and a 3-5 lb sledge hammer, pound the nails into the holes. Note: I prefer to drill and pound a nail, one hole at a time to eliminate alignment problems.

Once the bottom plate has been installed, repeat the process on the vertical kiln dried studs. Install one stud at a time, again on 16 inch centers. Make sure they stand straight and level.

To help hold the vertical stud in place while you are drilling holes and pounding in concrete nails, I like to toe nail the bottom of the stud into the bottom pressure treated plate first.

Once the glue has set up, the furring strips will be strongly fastened to the wall and ready for drywall.

Note, however, you may want to apply pink board insulation in between the studs to provide some level of insulation between the concrete walls and the finished sheetrocked wall. Simply cut the insulation to the proper width, apply some Liquid Nails to the back side of the insulation board, and then press the insulation in-between the studs.

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

SpectraSensors Natural Gas damp analyzers

How do you really know how much moisture is in your natural gas stream? If youre looking for an accurate and reliable solution for this challenge, please take a moment to watch this important three-minute message from SpectraSensors the leaders in optical sensors for industrial applications.

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Synthetic Stucco and Moisture - Architectural Mouldings Vs Wood Trim

EIFS (exterior insulated finish systems) have the potential for more aesthetic appeal than any other siding with the addition of architectural moldings and decor, but if improperly installed can cause health problems for yourself and your home. One of the more common problems is the improper installation of wood trim around doors and windows, leaving cracks for water and moisture to penetrate through that cause mold growth and deterioration in your wood sheathing and framing. The unfortunate truth about these situations is that most homeowners are not aware that there may be a situation until someone in their family starts getting sick and sees a doctor or rot has appeared. In worst case scenarios, EIFS will entirely cover the problem until pieces of the home start to fall apart. In the end, you risk spending tens of thousands of dollars spent on having the old substrate removed, replaced, and possibly an entire replacement of the siding.

New materials have arisen on the scene specifically for EIFS which not only avoid the problem of having cracks for which water to penetrate, but go a step further to divert water entirely from your windows and doors. Architectural moldings use the same materials the EIFS system itself is made of, which are organically inert and therefore do not support mold growth. They are applied directly on top of the EIFS siding, leaving no path to the substrate for moisture. In addition, due to the way they are manufactured, they can be designed with a much more appealing profile and actually kick water away from the wall, similar to flashing.

These architectural moldings use a styrofoam core which is cut to the design you want to use on your home, followed by fibreglass mesh for added flexibility and finally 1 or 2 coats of a cementitious basecoat. This often leaves the moldings stronger than the EIFS wall itself and finished in such a way that they can be painted using any exterior-grade masonry paint.

The end result in opting to use architectural moldings over traditional wood trim is a more countinuous siding which will better protect what is holding up the roof over your head. These mouldings have greater aesthetic appeal and more often than not are price competitive, and when it comes time to sell your house you can settle some of your buyers' fears.

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