Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Reoccurring Yeast Infection - How To Overcome It

OK, So what is actually meant by reoccuring yeast infection? Well I suppose we could simply explain it as the occurrence of yeast infection after treatment has already been given and it must also be noted that the signs and symptoms of reoccurring yeast infections are always identical. This is due to the fact that the very same organism called candida albican is present in small amounts in the digestive tracts and additionally in the vagina. The function of this is to rid the fungi which are the culprit for the yeast infection.

Fungus will grow and multiply is one particular part of the body, especially the vagina, for instance: antibiotic exposure, sexual intercourse and menstrual periods etc. The symptoms of the reoccurring yeast infections are similar like vaginal itching, intense rash, vaginal irritation, painful micturations reflex, vaginal discharge and signs of inflammation are present and the sufferer may also feel burning sensations if the urine touches that particular area.

Microscopy reveals the organism when the vaginal discharge is observed under it and there would be white plaque formation.

The treatment of reoccurring yeast infection is remedied by the following:

Wearing skirts to avoid moisture of tight dresses.

Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide when itching starts.

Using yogurts.

Using tea tree oil.

By using garlic.

Trimming should be maintained.

Sugar levels should be controlled for the prevention of diabetes.

There should be washing out; after sex, vaginal intercourse, after anal
intercourse the penis should be washed properly.

Regular exercise should be performed and it may also prove very beneficial to actually go and join a local fitness club and enrol in a fitness program.

Avoid oral sex because it increases the risk of getting yeast infection.

Cotton undergarments should be used and silky underwears are avoided for
reducing the chances of moisture. Try to pay particular attention to this and bare it in mind whilst out shopping next.

Oral contraceptive should be contraindicated.

Yogurt is also used in the treatment of reoccurring yeast infection and this is for reasons that yogurt contains the living culture of many important bacteria which retards the growth of the harmful fungi. Hence the number of lactobacillus. Yogurt can be used internally as well as externally. In both ways it is effective in preventing yeast infection and in any case is great for your diet and well being

Boric acid is also used because it is effective in the treatment of yeast infection and has been proved that it is preferred over the other methods because its cure rate is more than that of any other method. Another important thing is that the impaired immune system plays a vital role in the reoccurrence of yeast infection. The immune system is very important as it gives immunity against the various diseases and various infections. So the organisms which are involved in the pathogenesis of various infections including yeast infection, their primary role is to impair the immune system.

After the impairment of immune system, the body becomes receptive to the destructive changes brought about by the virulent organism which are fungi in case of yeast infection.

Reoccuring yeast infection has always been somewhat of a problem area but I must stress that it is not just women who are affected by this condition. Many men also suffer from yeast infection and as women can also be prone to any reoccurrence of the condition. A visit to your GP or family health practitioner is always advisable but there are also some great resources available online where you can get some very beneficial information and methods on how to eradicate the condition once and for all. I hope and trust this article has been both informative and helpful to you.

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